Providing new and improved public and green spaces
A big thank you to everyone who shared their views on our designs for the new West End Project public spaces. We had over 350 discussions at our pop up events, our evening information sessions and via email. Your feedback was used that to help finalise our designs.
You can explore the finalised designs below and read more on the changes we have made following your feedback.
For Princes Circus you can find out more on the current construction via our up coming works page.

Rejuvinating Whitfield Gardens - Work completed
You can now enjoy video tours of the completed gardens and view images of the beautiful new spaces.
The design for Whitfield Gardens aims to revive a much cherished local space. We have improved the social square with planting that thrives in shady locations. The park is now accessible, allowing people to cross between Tottenham Court Road and Whitfield Street / Tottenham Street. The beautiful mature trees have been incorporated into the scheme with new raised planting and seating areas.
The Fitzrovia mural and nearby memorial has been fully restored and the square has new paving and furniture which can be moved for events.
Click on the green leaves on the image below to see some of the changes we have made to the final design after your feedback.
For more information you can review the full changes we have made: West End Project – Whitfield Gardens design changes based on engagement October 2019 (PDF), see how we have responded to concerns about anti social behaviour concerns: Whitfield Gardens Secure by Design August 2019 (PDF) and see the finalised plan for the space: Whitfield Garden final plan (PDF)
Below is an image of the design for Whitfield Gardens with the changes from public feedback. If you have difficulties accessing this information and would like it in an alternative format please contact us.
A new park for Alfred Place - work underway
You can now enjoy view images of the beautiful new spaces.
We have transformed much of the road space on Alfred Place into a park to provide an oasis of calm in the hub of Camden’s West End. Complete with places for children to play, lawns to relax on and a meandering pathway to enjoy. The space includes a variety of different plants which are biodiverse to attract birds, bees and butterflies.
Stepping stones create cut throughs and all the mature trees have been retained. Access to businesses on the western side has been maintained and new cycle stands installed.
Click on the green leaves on the image below to see some of the changes we have made to the final design after your feedback. For more information you can review the full changes here: West End Project – Alfred Place design changes based on engagement October 2019 and see the finalised plan for the space here: Alfred Place Final Layout
Below is an image of the future design for Alfred Place with the changes planned. If you have difficulties accessing this information and would like it in an alternative format please contact us.
Bringing Princes Circus to life
Construction has now started – for the latest updates visit our Up coming works pages
Princes Circus has been beautifully redesigned to improve the pedestrian route between Covent Garden and the British Museum. Distinctive woodland style planting with new places to sit and enjoy the area, will make the space inviting and provide places to stop and rest. The historic drinking fountain will be restored and relocated and the neglected structure to the northern end will be covered over by a decked seating area.
New pedestrian crossings will make the area easier and safer for people to navigate while access to West Central Street and Grape Street will be maintained.
Click on the green leaves on the image below to see some of the changes we have made to the final design after your feedback. For more information you can review the full changes West End Project – Princes Circus design changes based on engagement October 2019 (PDF) and see the finalised plan for the space here: Princes Circus Final Layout (PDF)
Below is an image of the future design for Princes Circus with the changes planned. If you have difficulties accessing this information and would like it in an alternative format please contact us.
Providing new pocket parks
New pocket parks are being added to Tottenham Court Road. This includes closing three junctions to all traffic except cyclists, creating new places for people to pause and rest.
- Tottenham Court Road junction with Capper Street (completed)
- Tottenham Court Road junction with Bayley Street
- Tottenham Court Road junction with Bedford Avenue (completed)
Close to Windmill Street on Tottenham Court Road a wide area of paving will be transformed into a pocket park filled with planting, replacing the current cluttered and unwelcoming thoroughfare.
These new spaces will be green and biodiverse transforming hard space into protected spaces which feel welcoming and sheltered. New trees have been planted along the newly widened pavements of Tottenham Court Road to compliment these spaces.
- Bayley Street
- Capper Street
- Bedford Avenue