Two-way traffic now runs on Gower Street between Grafton Way and Euston Road – from this point the entire length of Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street will be two-way to traffic.
No traffic is allowed to turn left from Tottenham Court Road onto Euston Road.
Thank you for your patience while we completed this aspect of the project. As you get used to the changes please take care when walking, cycling or driving in the area.
You can also read the related decision report .
Gower St / Bloomsbury St
- Since Saturday 21st May 2022 Gower Street between Grafton Way and Euston Road is tw0-way to traffic.
- Since Sunday 28th February 2021- Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street have been two way to traffic
- Cycle lanes are open in both directions
- To explore maps on how you can drive locally view our map section
- Pedestrians should LOOK BOTH WAYS when crossing – the pedestrian crossings are the safest way to cross the road
- We have published a guide for businesses on changes to deliveries which you can read here WEP Deliveries Guide Updated July 2023(PDF) All the maps can be found in map section
High Holborn
- High Holborn is two to way traffic
- Two way traffic runs between Shaftesbury Avenue and Museum Street
- To explore maps on how you can drive locally view our map section
- Pedestrians should LOOK BOTH WAYS when crossing – the pedestrian crossings are the safest way to cross the road
Tottenham Court Road
- Tottenham Court Road is two way to traffic
- Since Saturday 21st May traffic is no longer able to turn left onto Euston Road from Tottenham Court Road.
- Since Monday 1st March 2021 the full traffic restrictions come into place on sections of Tottenham Court Road
- Areas of Tottenham Court Road are now restricted to buses and cyclists only Mon-Sat 8am-7pm
- To explore maps on how you can drive inside and outside of the restricted hours view our map section
- Pedestrians should LOOK BOTH WAYS when crossing – the pedestrian crossings are the safest way to cross the road
- We have published a guide for businesses on changes to deliveries which you can read here WEP Deliveries Guide Updated July 2023(PDF)
- All the maps can be found in map section

Advice to pedestrians
Please take care when crossing Tottenham Court Road, Gower Street, Bloomsbury Street and High Holborn and remember to now look both ways for traffic.
There are a number of pedestrian crossings along the road which we would encourage you to use.
Advice to businesses
Since Monday 1st March 2021 the full traffic restrictions on Tottenham Court Road have been in place. Areas of Tottenham Court Road are now restricted to buses and cyclists only on Mondays – Saturdays 8am-7pm.
New times loading bays are also in place along Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street.
To find out how these changes might affect business deliveries read our guide for businesses on changes to deliveries WEP Deliveries Guide Updated July 2023(PDF)
All the maps can be found in map section
Advice to cyclists
Since Saturday 21st May 2022 two-way traffic is in place on Gower Street between Grafton Way and Euston Road. As the road layout has changed so please take extra care, take note of all signs and watch for pedestrians and drivers who may not yet be used to two way traffic.
Cyclists can use the new segregated cycle lanes on Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street in both directions. Northbound cyclists on Gower Street are advised to use Grafton Way to access Euston Road, in either direction, or Hampstead Road. There is no cycle lane on the final northern section of Gower Street, but Grafton Way has a separate cycle lane and Tottenham Court Road has a bus and cycle only lane. When using lanes on Gower / Bloomsbury Street please be aware of loading vehicles pulling in and out of the timed integrated loading bays which can be used for loading between 10am and 2pm. Please note that up until the change the northbound lane has been open for cyclists to use without traffic. Since Sunday 28th February 2021 traffic now uses both lanes so cyclists may feel safer using the segregated cycle lanes.
Since Monday 1st March 2021 Tottenham Court Road will also have areas restricted to buses and cyclists only Monday – Saturday 8am -7pm.
The cycle lane on Tottenham Court Road between Torrington Place and Howland Street is now open.
Any cyclists heading north up Shaftesbury Avenue who wish to go east should turn right onto High Holborn to continue their journey.
TFL have quiet cycle routes listed on their website to explore these visit
To learn to cycle for the first time, improve your cycling skills or for a bike loan to help get you on your way visit:
Advice to motorists
Since Saturday 21st May the road layout has changed so please take extra care, take note of all signs and watch for pedestrians and cyclists who may not yet be used to two way traffic.
Drivers are no longer able to turn left onto Euston Road from Tottenham Court Road – drivers should use Gower Street to access Euston Road westbound. On Gower Street drivers are able to travel two way between Grafton Way and Euston Road.
We have TfL staff on site to assist drivers for the first few days of the two way traffic. In particular please note the following key changes since Sunday 28th February 2021
- You cannot travel north on Gower Street further than Grafton Way. All northbound traffic will be signed to turn left onto Grafton Way.
- During the restricted hours the easiest way to go north are via Gower Street:
- If you are using Oxford Street to travel north you should carry along New Oxford Street and use Bloomsbury Street / Gower Street
- If you are approaching Cambridge Circus you should use Shaftesbury Avenue to reach Bloomsbury Street / Gower Street
- If you do approach the southern end of Tottenham Court Road you will be forced to turn right onto Great Russell Street
- Since Monday 1st March 2021 – Full traffic restrictions came into place on Tottenham Court Road
- Areas of Tottenham Court Road are now restricted to buses and cyclists only Mon-Sat 8am-7pm
- To explore maps on how you can drive inside and outside of the restricted hours view our map section
Signage will be up on the roads to help you so take extra time and care and follow all signage while you get used to the changes.