Our Camden Plan logo

What this means for us as an organisation

We want our staff to share our level of ambition and hold our values, as our staff will be key to delivering Our Camden Plan.

These values mean we will make sure we put citizens at the heart of everything the organisation does and make sure that we focus on addressing the inequalities that can hold people back.

Our Camden Plan for 2018 to 2022 builds on the previous plan, with plenty of continuity. As an organisation we’re on the right track, but we can’t be complacent. We must continue to develop and improve, which includes adapting to changing and new expectations.

Our focus will be on:

  • We have been redesigning some of our services to make sure residents are at the heart of everything that we do, including involving those who use our services in our approach.

    We are also tapping into the expertise of colleagues who deliver those services – the people who know what works and what gets in the way.

  • We are passionate about always wanting to improve. This means that as an organisation we need to learn and adapt continuously.

    We also need our staff have a strong sense of pride in their work and a focus on excellence. We will make sure that we invest in developing the skills and abilities our staff need.

  • Many residents are held back by problems and challenges that have been around for too long. We need to continue to innovate to respond to these long-standing problems, focusing on tackling the root causes.

  • We will continue our digital transformation journey. Crucially, this means improving how we use data and information, so we can join up our services and make it easier for our residents. We will be open and transparent, and use our data to inform our decisions and services.

  • There is increasing demand for services and reducing income from central government. Our current outcome-based financial strategy has enabled us to protect the activities and services that most contribute to the achievement of our outcomes, and which residents value most.

    Despite this, a new deficit is expected to open up after 2018/19 as funding continues to be cut and costs increase. We will plan ahead carefully, taking a long-term view and investing in services and activities that have clear results and real impact. We will reduce waste and work as efficiently as we can.

  • We will continue our development as an agile council, where flexible working brings benefits for staff and for our work. We prize collaborative approaches and working across traditional boundaries.

  • We want Camden Council to be a great place to work that champions equality, including a commitment to initiatives like the London Living Wage, which help to make our community a fairer place.

    A vital part of this is ensuring we are a truly inclusive organisation that encourages diversity in all respects, including diversity of thinking. By doing this, we will ensure we continue to represent our communities to the best of our ability and deliver our ambitions for Camden.