Camden 2025

Healthy, independent lives

Call to action five: In 2025, everyone in Camden should be able to live a healthy, independent life.

Good health helps people to live a full and rewarding life. It is more than an absence of disease and illness – it is about physical, mental and social wellbeing.

We know that Camden is an unequal place, and the difference in healthy life expectancy between different parts of the borough is unacceptable.

Creating the conditions that support good health, from good quality housing and walkable neighbourhoods, to helping people take charge of their own wellbeing is something that no one organisation can do on its own.

To make real change will take a radical approach, focused on preventing ill health, and with individuals and communities, as well as public agencies, businesses and others rallying to this cause.

  • Everyone should know how to take charge of their own health and wellbeing, and be encouraged and supported to keep active, eat well and stay healthy.
  • Everyone should be able to access the services they need to keep themselves well.
  • No one should experience discrimination or be made to feel ashamed or isolated because of a mental health problem.
  • No one should be lonely or isolated – everyone should feel connected to their community and able to ask for help and support when they need it.
  • Older and disabled people should be able to live independently for as long as possible.