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Strong growth and access to jobs

You told us that you want Camden in 2025 to be a place where
everyone can get the jobs they need to feel financially secure.

What are the issues?

Lots of you pointed out that not everyone benefits equally from Camden’s local economy. Some people are in well-paid jobs, but many struggle to find good employment. Flexible working benefits some but is too insecure for others.

You are also concerned about those who have been unemployed for a long time.

Adults with a disability said that it is very hard to get a paid job in Camden and want more training, more apprenticeships, and more support when they are in work.

Residents and employers feel that schools, colleges and universities need to do a better job of preparing young people for work so they leave school feeling valued and a part of society, and have opportunities suited to their skills and ambitions.

Many of you think that going to university is not the only way to get on in life.

What you told us

“Business should be embedded within the community, offering more jobs to local people but investing in skills, training and educational support.”
Camden employer survey respondent

“It’s rather challenging to find out what you’re going to do after leaving school and GCSEs.”
Shout Out young people’s event participant

Your ideas to tackle the issues

  • You want schools, universities and local businesses to provide young people with more opportunities. This could include more apprenticeships, encouraging schools to develop networks of former students, mentorship schemes, and training on softer skills such as communication.
  • You think that there needs to be more options for helping people get into work. This is something that everyone needs to play their part in helping to make happen rather than it being up to any one organisation.
  • People suggested big businesses could be encouraged to hire local residents by providing more apprenticeships, and asking for a minimum number of local people that must be employed from the local area.
  • You think that there needs to be more options for helping people get into work. This is something that everyone needs to play their part in helping to make happen rather than it being up to any one organisation.
  • People suggested big businesses could be encouraged to hire local residents by providing more apprenticeships and asking for a minimum of number of local people that must be employed from the local area.
  • You want Camden employers to pay employees the living wage.
  • You said that we need to find ways to ‘future-proof’ the workforce, for example some said education could focus more on “coding than literacy”.

What local businesses have told us

  • Camden’s employers said that providing local skills and employment opportunities were where they could have the biggest impact, including more part-time roles and creating apprenticeship opportunities. To make this happen they want the council and others to help them to make connections with local residents, schools and colleges.
  • Businesses are keen to see a diverse range of workspaces fit for the future.
  • Some employers suggested an online forum or portal through which local businesses could connect, others are more interested in a regular physical forum to help with networking.